~Relentlessly demand the world to be a better place. Despise complacency. If you want something to be different, or if you do not like the way things are now… do something about it~
I once was asked the question “What kind of good can we do that has never been done before”. This question resonated with me as I went to school and tried to learn as many marketable skills as possible. I found myself overwhelmed by the endless possibilities that I could put my education toward and I could not figure out how anyone who really wanted to do good could decide how to spend their time. But as I learned, I gained skills in areas that were more just for the sake of learning new things. I enjoyed seizing opportunities and reaped the benefits of putting myself in unfamiliar situations to challenge and broaden my perspective. This ignited a curious spark in me that moved past comfort and helped me accomplish things I previously did not consider to be on my path forward. Each move was guided by this desire to do something new. My hope now is that through the work that I do, whatever it may be, I can empower people around me to capture the potential they do not know they have- and share it with the next person.
I know that this can be done in many ways. It can be done by sustainably developing infrastructure to improve peoples’ lives and communities. It can be done by brainstorming disruptive technologies and innovating to the widest extent to improve accessibility, understanding, and opportunity. It can be done by working to pass down the lessons learned to younger generations who, eventually, will reap the benefits and consequences of the choices we have made. It can be done. It must.